One of the most interesting aspects of researching sustainable tourism is learning how different groups apply the principles of sustainable tourism in their businesses. In Korea, there is a growing Fair Tourism movement of tour operators committed to ensuring their businesses contribute positively to the destinations that host their clients. Winter Chung explored this phenomenon in her Master’s thesis. Her work is published in the journal -Tourism and Hospitality. Here's the abstract – and a link to the article.    Link here Abstract: Fair Tourism (FT) is an emerging form of...

Sustainability has been an important topic in tourism for decades. It is exciting to see the ways groups from around the globe are tackling the wicked problem of ensuring tourism is a force for good. In a chapter I contributed to the Routledge Handbook of Trends and Issues in Tourism Sustainability, Planning and Development, Management, and Technology (catchy title, isn’t it??), I tackled the question – What are the trends in Tourism Sustainability? Here’s what I see as some of the important trends (Chapter spoilers ahead). Climate Change and Tourism:...

The summer of 2023 will be remembered for the devastating fires impacting communities around the world. The images of destruction from Maui, Canada, and the Greek Islands are each seared in our minds. Many of these fires took place in communities that welcome visitors, highlighting the intersection of natural disasters and tourism.   As we think about how these places will rebuild, I recall lessons from Australia’s Bushfire Season of 2019. The fires that Summer (Southern Hemisphere) ravaged much of the country, including Lamington National Park in Queensland. For...

Conventions come, conventions go, and except for the money the conference attendees spend, too often, these meetings have little impact on the community. But what if it was about more the money the conference and its attendees contribute to the economy? What if conventions were a catalyst for learning and skill development beyond the walls of the conference center? What if conventions positively changed the destination community and improved the quality of life? The Glasgow Convention Bureau (GCB) has a program designed to do just that. GCB encourages conferences...

Citizen scientists play an important role in gathering scientific data for research projects around the world, from counting birdlife to monitoring winter storms. But could they help in the work of making destinations more sustainable? Working with Dr. Cristina Cavaliere, Julia Branstrator, and Dr. Kelly Bricker, we set out to examine the Global Sustainable Tourism Council Destination Criteria to see if there were indicators that citizen scientists might be able to observe and report on. Our question was: “could citizen scientists help monitor sustainable tourism?” The Answer: Yes. We found many...

If you start with two terms that aren’t well understood its not surprising that combining them into a single term can lead to confusion. “Sustainability” is term that is frequently used but seldom understood. “Tourism” is a complex activity and - while many have traveled – few have thought about the many moving parts of the tourism system that contribute to make a successful trip. Which brings us to sustainable tourism. It doesn’t help that we often use the term “sustainable tourism” in two very distinct ways: Sustainable tourism: This...

Planning for (Sustainable Tourism) Success Sustainable tourism is about maximizing the benefits of tourism while minimizing negative impacts. It’s easier said than done. Sustainable tourism requires planning. But what needs to be planned for in a good sustainable tourism plan?  The Global Sustainable Tourism Council Destination Criteria talks a lot about planning for sustainability success. Plans included in the GSTC criteria: Visitor ManagementSafety and Security PlansWorkforce DevelopmentCultural heritage protectionEnvironmentEncourage Tourism Businesses to Adopt Sustainable Tourism PracticesRisk and Crisis ManagementClimate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Check out our analysis of the GSTC Destination Criteria....

Over the years there have been many discussions about what constitutes sustainable tourism. There is no doubt that these are important conversations, and yet, I am amazed at how little time we spend on addressing how to implement sustainable tourism in businesses and destination communities. Introducing sustainability in tourism requires a wide range of skills. The following list is far from comprehensive but gives a flavor of knowledge and abilities required by sustainable tourism practitioners. Change management skillsInternal and external communication skillsStrategic planning Ability to execute tactical actionscommitment...

In recent weeks I've been inspired by James Clear's Atomic Habits. One quote that stands out to me is "You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fail to the level of your systems". Sustainable tourism is complex and complicated. Certifications create systems that help businesses and destinations work through the complexity and achieve their goals. ...

It is always smart to start with Why. Simon Sinek says that to ensure our work is meaningful, it is critical we understand our purpose. We must be able to answer the “why” of our work. The answer to why we do something is far more important than what we do or how we do things. This is true for destination marketing organizations. While many DMO managers are very effective at promoting tourism to their destinations, it is less common to embed the purpose of our work in what we...