There is real action taking place in the business travel supply chain as corporations and their tourism suppliers work to address climate change. Businesses are signaling the importance of sustainability – and particularly carbon emission reporting – as important criteria for future purchase decisions. A recent article in Business Travel News on this year’s RFP season highlighted the emergence of sustainability as an important new trend for businesses negotiating their lodging contracts. As with any period of change, there is messiness as the supply chain members work to align. Buyers...

It's hard to know if you're choosing a hotel that is managing its environmental impact. It shouldn't be. If you go to the grocery story it is easy to find sustainable foods. If you buy an appliance you can quickly find the product's energy star rating. But - if you want to know about the energy performance of a hotel before you click "buy" on an online travel agency or the hotel website, it will take you time - perhaps a long time - to get information....