My team in Purdue's Sustainable Tourism and Responsible Travel Lab are doing fantastic work. Check out this introduction to our work that recently aired on the Big 10 network...

Climate change is finally on the US travel industry radar with two important studies highlighting increasing consumer awareness of the impacts of changing climates on travel and destinations. MMGY Global's Portrait of the American Traveler shows 48% of travelers agree that climate change will have a significant influence on what destinations they want to visit in the next 5-10 years. These findings were consistent with Destination Analysts' State of the American Traveler - Destinations Edition , which shows 50% of American leisure travelers expect that climate change will impact...

Monterey is a leader in promoting responsible travel. Their "Sustainable Moments" tips help travelers minimize the negative impacts of travel. Monterey County Convention and Visitors Bureau (MCCVB), the Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) for the region, has been an important catalyst in developing this program. They work with the destination community, particularly the tourism industry, to help them encourage responsible travel. While sustainability is always a team effort, MCCVB shows some of the ways DMOs can make a difference. Enjoy this video featuring their groundbreaking program. Credit...

It has become common for calls for sustainability in tourism. But what does that mean ? The definitions of sustainable tourism don't help answer this question much. Most definitions these days include the Triple-Bottom-Line (People, Planet, Profits), TBL, and the importance of taking a long term view - considering both today and tomorrow. These definitions are conceptually appealing but frustratingly vague. In some ways, sustainable tourism requires three-dimensional thinking. On one dimension, there are the activities required for each component of the TBL. For example, the simplest...

It's hard to know if you're choosing a hotel that is managing its environmental impact. It shouldn't be. If you go to the grocery story it is easy to find sustainable foods. If you buy an appliance you can quickly find the product's energy star rating. But - if you want to know about the energy performance of a hotel before you click "buy" on an online travel agency or the hotel website, it will take you time - perhaps a long time - to get information....

Tourism is a team activity - it requires many different actors, each with their own specialty - to create great tourism experiences. In each tourism destination, there are many players, contributing unique services, acting in concert, but acting independently, on the tourism team. The way tourism teams work in destinations is fascinating for a number of reasons. I'll explore some of the unique elements of these teams in coming posts but today I want to focus on the question - who is in charge of the team ?...

[caption id="attachment_748" align="alignleft" width="228"] Plastic Bottles on the road to Everest[/caption] It is rare that we ever pay the full cost of a product. The reality of this fact came to me as I was walking through the SolumKumba in Nepal last month and bought water in a plastic bottle of water. Sure, the water was more expensive in the village – almost 4 times more expensive as down in Kathmandu – but that was understandable given the transportation costs of getting the water to me. It had come by...

Overtourism is a significant problem for many of the world’s most popular destinations. In the summer of 2017, the issue of overtourism came to a boil with many media outlets questioning – what can be done about overtourism? The problem was (and is) immediate and seemed to have come upon us suddenly - almost by surprise. Of course, overtourism wasn't a surprise. Like many feedback loops in systems, the problem of overtourism had been building in the tourism system for a long time before it was noticed by the...

There is an excitement about the power of social entrepreneurship. Unleashing the power of entrepreneurial thinking on social problems provides “out of the box” solutions  after years of "standard" responses these challenges. However, some of the most vocal advocates for social entrepreneurship only extoll the virtues of scalable solutions and game-changing approaches. There is more to social enterprise than a few large organizations and I want to take a moment to celebrate social entrepreneurs that are working in their own small corners of the world, making real and positive change...

"Sustainability" has been described as one of the most "jargony-ist" words of recent times. Because I talk about sustainability a lot, I get this feedback from everyone - students, hoteliers, tour operators and DMOs.  I agree ! The word "sustainability"  is used way too frequently and too carelessly - and it's too bad - because lost in the "I'm so over this word - sustainability" attitude is the important fact that DMOs are important agents of sustainability. Imagine working to make the destination the best place it could be -...